/* $Id: sample.sql 3605 2010-06-01 02:21:36Z unsaved $ Exemplifies use of SqlTool. PCTASK Table creation */ /* Ignore error for these two statements */ \c true DROP TABLE pctasklist; DROP TABLE pctask; \c false \p Creating table pctask CREATE TABLE pctask ( id integer identity, name varchar(40), description varchar(256), url varchar(80), UNIQUE (name) ); \p Creating table pctasklist CREATE TABLE pctasklist ( id integer identity, host varchar(20) not null, tasksequence int not null, pctask integer, assigndate timestamp default current_timestamp, completedate timestamp, show boolean default true, FOREIGN KEY (pctask) REFERENCES pctask, UNIQUE (host, tasksequence) ); \p Granting privileges GRANT select ON pctask TO public; GRANT all ON pctask TO tomcat; GRANT select ON pctasklist TO public; GRANT all ON pctasklist TO tomcat; \p Inserting test records INSERT INTO pctask (name, description, url) VALUES ( 'task one', 'Description for task 1', 'http://cnn.com'); INSERT INTO pctasklist (host, tasksequence, pctask) VALUES ( 'admc-masq', 101, (SELECT id FROM pctask WHERE name = 'task one')); commit;