All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AppendableException |
Allows additional messages to be appended.
ArrayCounter |
Collection of routines for counting the distribution of the values
in an int[] array.
ArrayListIdentity<E> |
Extends HsqlArrayList.
ArraySort |
FastQSorts the [l,r] partition (inclusive) of the specified array of
Rows, using the comparator.
ArrayUtil |
Collection of static methods for operations on arrays
AsciiInputStream |
An input stream that reads US-ASCII values from a Reader, in compliance
with the Java US_ASCII Charset encoder, including
AsciiOutputStream |
An OutputStream that writes 7-bit US-ASCII values to a Writer, in compliance
with the Java US_ASCII Charset decoder.
AuthBeanMultiplexer |
This class provides a method which can be used directly as a HyperSQL static
Java function method.
AuthFunctionBean |
AuthFunctionBeans are NOT directly usable as HyperSQL Authentication
Function methods, they are POJO beans to be managed by AuthBeanMultiplexer
(which does have a real HyperSQL Authentication Function static method).
AuthUtils |
Static external-auth-related utilities.
BasicTextJdkLogFormatter |
An implementation of java.util.logging.Formatter very close to
CharArrayWriter |
A writer for char strings.
ClosableByteArrayOutputStream |
Provides true Closable semantics ordinarily missing in a
ByteArrayOutputStream .
ClosableCharArrayWriter |
Provides Closable semantics ordinarily missing in a
CharArrayWriter .
CodeSwitcher |
Modifies the source code to support different JDK or profile settings.
Collection<E> |
A basic collection of values.
ConnectionSetting |
ConnectionSetting represents the various parameters of a data source
CountdownInputStream |
Counts down from a specified value the number of bytes actually read
from the wrapped InputStream.
CountUpDownLatch |
A variation on CountDownLatch to allow counting up as well
as down.
DatabaseManager |
AWT Tool for manageing a JDBC database.
DatabaseManagerSwing |
Swing Tool for managing a JDBC database.
DatabaseManagerSwing.DBMPrefs |
Persisted User Preferences for DatabaseManagerSwing.
DataOutputStream |
A wrapper for OutputStream
DbBackup |
Works with tar archives containing HyperSQL database instance backups.
DbBackupMain |
This class is used for offline backup of HyperSQL databases.
DenyException |
Exception raised when authentication is denied.
DoubleIntIndex |
Maintains an ordered integer->integer lookup table, consisting of two
columns, one for keys, the other for values.
DoubleLongIndex |
Maintains an ordered long->long lookup table, consisting of two
columns, one for keys, the other for values.
EventLogInterface |
Interface for logging events.
FileAccess |
Interface for abstraction of file access.
FileAccess.FileSync |
FileAccessRes |
Implementation of FileAccess for resources.
FileArchiver |
Creates a direct, compressed or decompressed copy of a file.
FileUtil |
A collection of file management methods.
FileUtil.FileSync |
FilteredIterator<E> |
An iterator with an added filter.
FilteredIterator.Filter<E> |
FrameworkLogger |
A logging framework wrapper that supports java.util.logging and log4j.
HashMap<K,V> |
This class does not store null keys.
HashSet<E> |
This class does not store null keys.
HsqlArrayHeap<E> |
An HsqlHeap implementation backed by an array of objects and an
ObjectComparator .
HsqlArrayList<E> |
Intended as an asynchronous alternative to Vector.
HsqlByteArrayInputStream |
This class is a replacement for both
(without synchronization) and
HsqlByteArrayOutputStream |
This class is a replacement for both
(without synchronization) and
HsqlConsoleHandler |
HsqldbSlaveAuthBean |
Delegates authentication decisions, and optionally determination of user
roles and schema, to a different HyperSQL catalog, which may be in the same
JVM or remote.
HsqlDeque<E> |
A List<E> that also implements Deque<E> and Queue<E>
and methods for usage as stack.
HsqlHeap<E> |
Provides the HyperSQL interface for Heap ADT implementations.
HsqlServerFactory |
HsqlSocketFactory |
Base class for producing the Socket objects used by HSQLDB.
HsqlSocketFactorySecure |
The default secure socket factory implementation.
HsqlSocketRequestHandler |
Interface HsqlSocketRequestHandler
HsqlTaskQueue |
Provides very simple queued execution of Runnable objects in a background
HsqlTimer |
Facility to schedule tasks for future execution in a background thread.
InOutUtil |
Input / Output utility
InputStreamInterface |
An interface with methods similar to .
InputStreamWrapper |
A wrapper for a object.
IntHashSet |
A set of int primitives.
IntIndex |
Maintains an ordered integer index.
IntKeyHashMap<V> |
A Map of int primitives to Object values.
IntKeyHashMapConcurrent<V> |
A Map of int primitives to Object values, suitable for thread-safe access.
IntKeyIntValueHashMap |
A Map of int primitive keys to int primitive values.
IntKeyLongValueHashMap |
A Map of int primitive keys to long primitive values.
IntLookup |
Interface for int to int lookup.
IntValueHashMap<K> |
A Map of Object keys to int primitive values.
Iterator<E> |
Interface for HyperSQL iterators.
JaasAuthBean |
Provides authentication and authorization (roles and initial schema)
according to JAAS modules configured by the runtime JAAS implementation.
JaasAuthBean.UPCallbackHandler |
JDBCArray |
The mapping in the Java programming language for the SQL type
JDBCArrayBasic |
The mapping in the Java programming language for the SQL type
JDBCBlob |
The representation (mapping) in
the Java programming language of an SQL
BLOB value.
JDBCBlobClient |
A wrapper for HSQLDB BlobData objects.
JDBCBlobFile |
A client-side file-based implementation of Blob.
JDBCCallableStatement |
The interface used to execute SQL stored procedures.
JDBCClob |
The mapping in the Java programming language
for the SQL CLOB type.
JDBCClobClient |
A wrapper for HSQLDB ClobData objects.
JDBCClobFile |
A client-side file-based implementation of Clob.
JDBCColumnMetaData |
Provides a site for holding the ResultSetMetaData for individual ResultSet
JDBCCommonDataSource |
Common base for DataSource implementations.
JDBCConnection |
A connection (session) with a specific
JDBCConnectionEventListener |
JDBCDatabaseMetaData |
Comprehensive information about the database as a whole.
JDBCDataSource |
A factory for connections to the physical data source that this
DataSource object represents.
JDBCDataSourceFactory |
A JNDI ObjectFactory for creating data sources supported by HyperSQL
JDBCDataSource for plain
connections for the end user.
JDBCDriver |
The interface that every driver class must implement.
The mapping in the Java™ programming language
for the SQL NCLOB type.
JDBCParameterMetaData |
An object that can be used to get information about the types
and properties for each parameter marker in a
PreparedStatement object.
JDBCPool |
A fast connection pool.
JDBCPooledConnection |
An implementations of PooledConnection
for use by connection pooling software.
JDBCPooledDataSource |
A data source that implements ConnectionPoolDataSource .
JDBCPreparedStatement |
An object that represents a precompiled SQL statement.
JDBCResultSet |
A table of data representing a database result set, which
is usually generated by executing a statement that queries the database.
JDBCResultSetMetaData |
An object that can be used to get information about the types
and properties of the columns in a ResultSet object.
The representation (mapping) in the Java programming language of an SQL ROWID
JDBCSavepoint |
The representation of a savepoint, which is a point within
the current transaction that can be referenced from the
Connection.rollback method.
The mapping in the JavaTM programming language for the SQL XML type.
Writes to a XMLStreamWriter
from SAX events.
JDBCStatement |
The object used for executing a static SQL statement
and returning the results it produces.
JDBCUtil |
Provides driver constants and a gateway from internal HsqlExceptions to
external SQLExceptions.
JDBCXAConnection |
Subclass of JDBCPooledConnection implements the XAConnection interface.
JDBCXAConnectionWrapper |
This is a wrapper class for JDBCConnection objects (not java.sql.XAConnection
JDBCXADataSource |
Connection factory for JDBCXAConnections.
JDBCXAResource |
Used by a global transaction service to control HSQLDB transactions.
Implementation of Xid for tests.
KMPSearchAlgorithm |
Implements the Knuth-Morris-Pratt string search algorithm for searching
streams or arrays of octets or characters.
LdapAuthBean |
Authenticates to a HyperSQL catalog according to entries in a LDAP
LdapAuthBeanTester |
Tests the settings for LdapAuthBean.
LineGroupReader |
Uses a LineNumberReader and returns multiple consecutive lines which conform
to the specified group demarcation characteristics.
LineReader |
A converter for InputStream to return String objects using the given
charset for conversion.
List<E> |
Interface for List collections.
LongDeque |
A deque of long values.
LongKeyHashMap<V> |
A Map of long primitives to Object values.
LongKeyIntValueHashMap |
A Map of long primitives to int primitives.
LongKeyLongValueHashMap |
A Map of long primitives to long primitive.
LongLookup |
Interface for long to long lookup.
LongValueHashMap<K> |
A Map of Object keys to long primitives.
MainInvoker |
Invokes the static main(String[]) method from each class specified.
Map<K,V> |
Interface for collections of mapped key - value pairs.
Map.Entry<K,V> |
Interface for a key - value pair.
MapEntry<K,V> |
A key - value pair.
MultiValueHashMap<K,V> |
A Map of Object keys to Object values which stores multiple values per
Notified |
ObjectComparator<T> |
Interface for equality comparison.
ObjectComparator.DefaultComparator<T> |
Comparator that uses the equals and hash code methods of Objects.
ObjectComparator.IdentityComparator<T> |
Comparator that uses identity for Object equality.
OdbcUtil |
Static values and methods to facilitate servicing ODBC clients.
OrderedHashMap<K,V> |
A Map which maintains the insertion order of the key/value pairs and allows
access by index.
OrderedHashSet<E> |
A list which is also a Set which maintains the inserted order of elements and
allows access by index.
OrderedIntHashSet |
A list which is also a set of int primitives which maintains the insertion
order of the elements and allows access by index.
OrderedIntKeyHashMap<V> |
A Map of int primitives to Object values which maintains the insertion order
of the key/value pairs and allows access by index.
OrderedLongHashSet |
A list which is also a set of long primitives which maintains the insertion
order of the elements and allows access by index.
OrderedLongKeyHashMap<V> |
A Map of long primitives to Object values which maintains the insertion order
of the key/value pairs and allows access by index.
PgType |
Postgres types.
PIFData |
Pax Interchange Format object constituted from an Input Stream.
PIFGenerator |
Encapsulates Pax Interchange Format key-value pairs.
PrimitiveIterator<E> |
Marker interface for iterators supporting nextInt or nextLong methods.
RB |
Resource Bundle for Tar classes
RCData |
Manages all the details we need to connect up to JDBC database(s),
in a declarative way.
ReaderInputStream |
This class is a part implementation of DataInput.
ReadWriteLockDummy |
ReadWriteLockDummy.LockDummy |
RefCapablePropertyResourceBundle |
Just like PropertyResourceBundle, except keys mapped to nothing in the
properties file will load the final String value from a text file.
RefCapableRBInterface |
ScannerSearchAlgorithm |
Provides a string search facility using a Scanner .
Server |
The HyperSQL hsql: and hsqls: protocol network database server.
ServerAcl |
A list of ACL permit and deny entries with a permitAccess method
which tells whether candidate addresses are permitted or denied
by this ACL list.
ServerAcl.AclFormatException |
ServerConfiguration |
Assists with Server and WebServer configuration tasks.
ServerConstants |
An enumeration of the property keys and default property values used by
HSQLDB servers
ServerProperties |
A subclass HsqlProperties with functionality needed for the HSQLDB Server
Set<E> |
Marker interface for a Collection that is a Set of values.
SimpleLog |
Simple log for recording abnormal events in persistence
StopWatch |
Provides the programatic analog of a physical stop watch.
StringComparator |
StringConverter |
Collection of static methods for converting strings between different
formats and to and from byte arrays.
StringInputStream |
Minimal InputStream subclass to fetch bytes form a String.
StringUtil |
Provides a collection of convenience methods for processing and
creating objects with String value components.
TableSorter |
TableSorter is a decorator for TableModels; adding sorting
functionality to a supplied TableModel.
TarFileInputStream |
Note that this class is not a,
because our goal is to greatly restrict the public methods of
FileInputStream, yet we must use public methods of the underlying
FileInputStream internally.
TarFileOutputStream |
Note that this class is not a,
because our goal is to greatly restrict the public methods of
FileOutputStream, yet we must use public methods of the underlying
FileOutputStream internally.
TarFileOutputStream.Compression |
TarGenerator |
Generates a tar archive from specified Files and InputStreams.
TarGeneratorMain |
TarHeaderField |
Purely static structure defining our interface to the Tar Entry Header.
TarMalformatException |
TarReader |
Reads a Tar file for reporting or extraction.
TarReaderMain |
ThreadFactory |
Interface for a simple thread factory.
Transfer |
Utility program (or applet) for transferring tables between different
databases via JDBC.
Trigger |
The interface a HyperSQL TRIGGER must implement.
ValidatingResourceBundle |
Purpose of this class is to wrap a RefCapablePropertyResourceBundle to
reliably detect any possible use of a missing property key as soon as
this class is clinitted.
WebServer |
The HyperSQL http: and https: protocol network database server.
WrapperIterator<E> |
An Iterator that returns the elements of a specified array, or other
iterators etc.